Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Smiling Chipmunk
As I click my camera, trying to share my view of this wonderful world, occasionally, something happens that is serendipitous. I snapped away at this chipmunk nibbling and ended up with a smile from him for my effort. When I saw the photo, as I unloaded the camera, it made me laugh and I hope it does you too!
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Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Being Tugged
When it seems that the whole world wants a piece of you it's time to hide yourself away and get your brain back on course.
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I'll give a full bird update in the next few days, I'm really trying to get all caught up here. :0)
Monday, June 28, 2010
I'm kinda disappointed in these but wanted to share them anyway. We stumbled on a small pond of tadpoles and I enjoyed looking at them in their various stages of growth.
I wish there had been more light, and maybe I shouldn't have chosen that moment to play with the polarizer but I gave a shot and tried to keep from falling in.
Can you see that there's really small tadpoles in there too? Tons of them! Little black flecks.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Macro Monday Skittles Feather
When I babysat my daughter's parakeet I had a mess involved, but I didn't mind, it gave me opportunity to play with the camera.
I never did get the exact view I was hoping for but I was stubborn and wouldn't use my tripod.
Still, I thought some of them were fun.
See, messy bird! My family's just glad I didn't leave it there for a year before snapping, like I did with the cupcake, lol.
Macro Monday is easy to play, snap a macro (or any close-up) photo, post it on your blog and come back here and sign Mr Linky. MM started on Sept 29, 2008 - Thanx to all of you for helping make it such a fun start to the week! :)
This feather came from our little friend who came in, lol.
Still, I would babysit again. :)
Full Life
Exhaustion sets in after a full week of family and wedding activities, but I'm thankful, even for exhaustion. I'm thrilled to be a part of all the activities and know that eventually rest will come.
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I am exhausted, lol. My parents (and their 3 dogs) were here for a week, just left out this morning and we've had a nice time visiting. Britney, Nick and the babies have been over everyday, most all day to visit too and it's just been too overwhelming to keep up on my posts and visits. Mikal got married Saturday and the wedding activities took up most of the weekend, driving an hour there and an hour back each day, whew. I've still been taking my daily photos, just need to get them on here now, first my brain is doing a bit of defragging.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Historical SOOC #3
I've been to Ripon, Wisconsin several times before, but just now noticed this little historical spot. Who knew that Ripon's claim to fame was being the birthplace of the Republican Party?
I snapped these photos with my cell phone, and I remember to not touch them in any way, except to resize for here. :0)
My Son takes a Mrs.
Today dear Son, as you walk down the aisle
You'll see all the faces wearing a smile.
But as we remember those young tender years
Our smiles will conceal a few hidden tears.
They're not tears of sorrow, but tears full of joy
As we're both thinking back to our dear little boy
And now you have grown up and made us so proud
As you smile for the camera and the rest of the crowd
Remember dear Mikal as you take your new wife
You're still very much a part of our life!
We're gaining a daughter. not losing a son,
You're new lives as husband and wife have begun
So be blissfully happy and enjoy your 'Big Day'
Have a wonderful marriage with a rose strewn way
~author unknown
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Friday, June 25, 2010
When I was diagnosed with cancer my oldest child was 18, and three of my four children were still living at home. Tonight, I was able to celebrate in my second child's preparations to marry; there was lots of laughter and joy as we watched them rehearse. And a wonderful dinner full of their friends afterwards. My future daughter-in-law made the necklace you see pictured for me to wear to the ceremony tomorrow.
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For those of you interested, she also made the bracelet, I think she should go into jewelry making instead of architecture, lol. A portion of my dress is beneath the jewelry.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Chipmunks Galore
I truly have a love/hate relationship with these guys! On the one hand they drive me crazy getting into every thing and eating plants and birdseed and chirping loudly often!
And they're everywhere I turn, these two were just a few feet apart!
And on the other hand, sometimes they are so cute! This little fellow with the tattered ear made my day while out hiking.

Hosted by Cecily
Speaking up for yourself
It is so important to speak up for yourself! Having an oncologist you can talk to can make all the difference in the world, in life and death. It's important to be aware of as much information pertaining to your form of cancer, and your own body, as you can. Because you are fighting for your life. Your oncologist has hundreds of patients, also fighting for their lives, and he can not be expected to remember every detail about each one. So if you feel like he overlooking a test that you should be having it's vitally important that you speak up, ask him when you last had that test. He will look at his records and often times discover that suddenly it is time for that test. You are your own best advocate!
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Wednesday, June 23, 2010
The Pig Roast
Pig roasts are very popular up here and last month we had the opportunity to shot an Anniversary party that featured one. I had to take photos of the pig, of course.
It was a great party with ballroom dancing afterwards! But the pig has stuck in my mind, lol.
I guess I'm one of those people who don't like to think of my meat once being alive and seeing the pig laid out in it's "coffin" was too much for me. I could not eat it, lol. But my husband did and he said it was delicious! Lucky for me they had plenty of other nice food to go around.
See the steam rising?
This guy did all the carving and the pig was hot! He wore these really thick gloves to protect himself from burns I imagine.
It was really interesting to watch him work.
And when he was done, there wasn't much left on the pig.
I was pretty amazed at all the fat that dripped off too! Ew!
I was a little surprised that no one ate the apple. I guess I assumed it was like the worm in tequila and people would fight over it.
Do you want it?