Thursday, July 1, 2010


pileated woodpecker

Persistence is a must! I have seen Pileated Woodpeckers many times, too many to count, but today was the first day I have gotten a decent photo of one. I didn't give up, and I will still keep trying to get a better, closer, shot. This drive is just as important when it comes to the health care needed to make sure remission stays. If my oncologist doesn't seem to listen, I find one who will. A Pileated Woodpecker is not going to fly into my living room and land on my head screaming, 'Look at me!', I must get out of my comfort zone and find him.

~ You can see the explanation behind this project by going here or see the all posts in this category by going here. ~

pileated woodpecker

I was chasing a Northern Flicker when I almost ran into this guy! I was about 10 feet away when I noticed him - I literally gasped!

pileated woodpecker

I wish I had been better prepared for him, I could have had some better shots. I really thought he had left our neighborhood. But I had my camera settings correct to shoot in a sunlit subject, that Flicker I mentioned, when I stumbled on Mr Pileated in shadows. Dang! The settings were to slow to freeze his rat-tat-tatting perfectly. But these will have to do for now.

pileated woodpecker

This is not the first time I've seen him in this exact spot. I'm sure it won't be the last.


  1. I hear them but I never SEE them. Glad you were able to photograph Mr. Pileated!

  2. You sure captured some amazing shots! Looks like that guy has been really busy!!

  3. Those are exceptional shots, Lisa. You should submit them to an organization that studies Pileated Woodpeckers. I found this one online:

    Isn't it fun when you set out to photograph something in particular and come across something even better ... I call it lagniappe!

    Best wishes to you and your family for the best 4th of July celebration ever!

  4. I remember the cartoons for Woody the Woodpecker! Those are great pictures and I love your analogies!!!

  5. great observations, i've never seen a real woodpecker before. those shots are beautifully captured. :)

  6. I like how you have woven this into your story, how opportunity isn't going to find us while we're at home on the couch. wonderful words to live by. And great action shots!

  7. I love that one. Can't wait to see you getting even closer :D!

  8. These are the most awesome ever seen photos of a woodpecker he looks JUST like Woody! Amazing.!!!

  9. That's funny... we saw a flicker this morning sitting on my deck railing. I went running for my camera, but didn't get it in time to capture Mr. Flicker. Love these shots of the pileated. Photography has been taking me out of my comfort zone, but in a good way. I have to remind myself that I won't have anything to blog about if I don't get out of my chair and explore a bit.

  10. He is so big and so red! Glad you finally got to nab him!

  11. Believe it or not, the first time I ever saw one these magnificent birds it was SITTING ON OUR WINDOW SILL in our living room!! I was stunned by its size and beauty. I stood there and watched it peck at the bugs in the corner never thinking to grab a camera. Silly me! I do have a video of one that's pretty good, but these photos are really nice! Great job!

  12. GrammyMousetails-FaytheJuly 4, 2010 at 3:52 AM

    I love the pre-historic look of these woodpeckers. I never have seen a live one yet. My cousin farther north in Wisconsin gets them. thanks for stopping by GrammyMousetails & commenting! It is great to meet a fellow WI blogger! You have wonderful photos. sorry I am a bit a late replying back, I am out of town & on a borrowed computer.
    Faythe @GMT

  13. Love these, on the trail where I run I spot a pair of them every once in a while, never a photo op, but they are so gorgeous.
