Monday, August 31, 2009
Have you heard of Zipcars?
While I was busy snapping photos of various murals on our walk in downtown Philly, I totally missed something I wouldn't have minded seeing closer. As I began editing the photos I got curious about the white car, the empty slot and the green signs - what is going on there?
I had to crop in to check it out - Zipcars - hmmm, makes me think of strollers in malls where you deposit some money and borrow the stroller. Or that old episode of either Twilight Zone or Ray Bradbury where all cars were the same and white and when you needed to drive you just got in any car, after work you got in any car, etc. It appears a Zipcar works along the lines of a rented stroller.
Of course, I had to google it, I'm a pretty good guesser, that is how they work! How cool is that! Much better than Green Bay's bicycle borrowing thing. And I just looked and found 6 zipcars in Milwaukee - looks like they're available for $7 an hour or $60 for the day - and gas and insurance are included! I find it touching that each car is named. . .hmm, wonder what the white car's name is.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Macro Monday Rings
Macro Monday is easy to play, snap a macro (or any close-up) photo, post it on your blog and come back here and sign Mr Linky. Don't forget to visit each other. :)
Do you ever take risks while taking your macro shots? When I played with the poppies a while back my husband had the brilliant idea to pose my wedding set on one. I was terrified of losing it in the mass of flowers. But he carefully planted the rings and stood nearby.
He even put his own ring with them for a couple of shots. I just can't decide if I like this one, or the one below more. . .
The wind blew them off once, but he found them - thankfully!
And I got courageous and asked for him to plant my snake ring for a few shots. People may think I'm odd but I love this ring!
I saw a snake ring on a woman's hand and liked it, but typically they are wrapped around the finger differently than this one is, and more often they're silver. It took me some time to find the ring I liked, and I bought it on ebay about 10 years ago. Gold with ruby eyes, I've never seen another like it.
Don't we all want to be a little unique or quirky?
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Going to the Wedding Show
We're spending the day at the Fall Wedding Show in Green Bay - I'm sure it will be fun!
It was fun getting these little treat bags ready. :) Actually, believe it or not, it went rather quickly.
A future bride.
I didn't really think "Fall" should be in the name of an August Wedding Show, but, we have been seeing trees changing so maybe Visuelle Productions do know what they're doing. :)
Both of these trees are right across the street from our house.
This one is in our yard!
Friday, August 28, 2009
Turtles, Frogs, and Fish
Nice cool clear water. We found this fountain in downtown Philly - Turtles and frogs surround the figures in the center, all splashing water everywhere. This figure has a fish under his legs, a fish on his head and he's holding a bird (goose, maybe?) by the neck.
Pretty weird that the water is on for a while then off for a while.

A Still, Soft Voice
Sometimes the madness catches up to you and you need to just take a moment, alone, in the woods to breath.
Then God, or whoever you believe in, whispers softly in your ear when you weren't even listening for Him.
Proof, you do not have to be listening in order for Him to speak.
Indian Pipe is flower I longed to see, last year I managed to spot some, nearly dead, but was thrilled. This year, while I wasn't even looking, but was merely moping there it was. It's been a rough week, several people weighing heavily on my mind - worrying about their hearts and health. And still, I was not blind to the beauty, I took the time to listen.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Spreading LOVE
L-O-V-E makes the world go ‘round.
We had Haden snap a photo of us by the LOVE, but we were a little too shadowy, so we had him snap another.
That’s better. As a memento I got a Love keychain, with a little liberty bell attached.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Exploring Philly
Love the halo of stars.
And at her feet, an Eagle with a snake in its talons.
Philadelphia is rich in history!
And little patches of green can be seen amongst all the brick.
Details galore!
Wire mesh, and spike were supposed to keep birds off the old architecture - but the birds saw the metal pieces as great places to hold on to.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Monday, August 24, 2009
Benjamin & Betsy in Philly
We started our tour of Philly right here, on Market Street - and as you can see from the shadows it was very early morning.
Just an old sign I thought was cool.
There were many murals on our walk - this one doesn’t seem quite finished.
Love how some of the alleys are still cobblestone.
The four hands - I know there’s a name for this but I cannot think of it.
The Betsy Ross House was not yet opened for the day so we just enjoyed it from outside.
A puddle from the earlier rain made place for a nice reflection.
The cemetery where Benjamin Franklin is, was also still closed.
And from the look of the fence I think they’re serious.
I was able to shoot between the bars.