I was happy when Gattina jumped in and said she would host the next Fun Monday because I was starting to panic, worrying about who was going to host and if I should just maybe go off on my own and start posting a "Macro Monday" like I have thought about doing. Then, she goes and asks us something so revealing that I still almost didn't sign up.
By Sunday, I am sitting here thinking, 'Wow, where did the weekend go?' and 'What the heck, I'll reveal what a disorganized mess I am.' Honestly, I blog from many, many places. My husband travels with his job and I often go with him. So I might be blogging from a motel in Door County or a Starbucks in Lake Geneva, I might be offline preparing a post or photos while sitting in the car while hubs is in a plant. Sometimes, I prepare a written post on the PDA while waiting for him.
Often I sit in bed and blog, or if I really need some place to concentrate I move to a chair in the yard. The yard is great place to think, communing with nature while my wheels turn. But there is another place I blog and read blogs and scrapbook and make cards and . . .
So there it is, in all its glory, my desk! I've made a few cards this week and trusted that you wanted my desk as it set today, no preparing it, scrubbing it down and cleaning it off. Yes, my laptop does still fit on it.
Guess what, hubs updated our Newdae Photography Website, if you have a chance maybe you can pop over and check it out?