Things have been a little crazy around here lately - that happens sometimes, it's in the name, "chaos", duh! - and I feel like I've been somewhat neglectful of my blog and my bloggy friends and I'm very sorry for that but I also think it's going to continue for a couple more weeks.

The tufted titmouse from yesterday and these birds here were taken a couple of weeks ago at my parents' house in Missouri - it was an impromptu trip, long story, but anyway, this female cardinal seemed a little different shade than the others, more yellow(?), I liked her colors!

They are such regal looking birds! But back to the chaos, we had our quick trip to Missouri, Oklahoma and back, Camp Angel all last weekend (such a great program!), trying to help a dear friend with wedding planning (they are marrying April 10th and I'm matron of honor - still trying to figure out how to hold my bouquet and the camera, maybe I'll just strap them together), trying to keep up with my photo-a-day diary (hard copy, not electronic, but I'll post all about that at some point, promise), diet/exercise/frustration/lack of motivation (ps I have posted over at our weight blog), and I'm sure there's more, but, drum roll please. . .

We'll be leaving towards the end of next week for Florida! Yay, warmth! But, I'm also going crazy with all the pre-trip what-not's. While I'm gone Macro Monday will be on semi-autopilot, but that's about all that will be here, I will post my photo a day via facebook (link to me at the bottom of the page) like I did for our Maine vacation.

So, please know, I'm not turning my back on you, I love you all! Things will calm back down, just a little time - ps, did I mention that I'll be swimming with manatees on my birthday (Feb 8th)?! Fun!

Hopefully, I'll make it back from the trip relaxed and refreshed and ready to take on the world. :0)