It all started with a certain 4 year old (my grandson) going to a birthday party and playing with one of these chickens. Right before Dennis and I left for New Orleans, I asked Tristan what he would like me to bring back for him. He requested, a poopin' chicken.

We searched high and we searched low all across, Mississippi, Louisiana and Illinois and we had no luck! I swear you used to be able to find them everywhere. Not any more let me tell you. Once we were back home I asked my facebook friends to help me locate one. Claires used to have them, they don't anymore, btw. But Toys R Us has them in their party area, or they did in February.
They don't really poop, as you can see. They pop out an egg when squeezed. Some office sites online sell them as stress chickens.

So, if you're feeling a little stressed out, or just need a giggle, leave me a comment (make sure I have your email address). I'll draw one name tomorrow evening, and if it's yours, I'll ship a brand new poopin' chicken to your door.
And the winner is:
Colleen who said,
Snort!! (That’s the first sound I made when I saw the picture.)
I love the idea of giving something silly away for April Fool’s day. This should be something everyone does! What a fun link-up that would be.
BTW… if I win, I know exactly who I’m giving this to!
I absolutely agree and don't know why I never thought of it sooner. I think I'll be doing an April Fool's giveaway every year now. :)