Sunday, November 21, 2010



Become a possibilitarian. No matter how dark things seem to be or actually are, raise your sights and see possibilities - always see them, for they're always there.
~ Norman Vincent Peale

~ You can see the explanation behind this project by going here or see the all posts in this category by going here.


  1. I was surprised that that is really a word. Thought you were making stuff up for a minute there. =D Great quote. I've always been such a fan of Norman Vincent Peale. Every now and again, I reread The Power of Positive Thinking. Always seems to help me get back on track. And HOPE should be that colorful and bright and, well, hopeful! Thanks for sharing!

  2. what a great quote to live by. and hope is always an uplifting word.

  3. You just made my month. My year. My--if the heat could literally hug life, that.

  4. Great thought! Hope is something we all need to nourish a little bit more.

  5. On top of being a wonderful photographer you are also an artist? lol Wonderful sentiments for a wonderful drawing!

  6. Oh I LOVE this quote! And I LOVE your drawing too.... I think we all need to color a little more!

  7. Great quote and wonderful photo. Somehow the creative rainbow of color brightened my day and my mood!
