Thursday, November 4, 2010

Quaint Little Church


Driving down a backroad of Minnesota we saw the cutest little church and the sun was just right.  Dennis pulled over and I grabbed the camera (Canon 5D with a wide lens), walked towards the fence and shot.  Not happy with how far away I still was when I got back to the car I grabbed the 50D with the 400mm lens on it. . .


Hands down the 5D has much better color to it, but how I love being so zoomed in.  If you didn't know, the 50D has a cropped sensor so zoomy is more zoomy. . .but I wonder, maybe I should use the 5D with the full sized sensor then just crop a little?  Thinking. . . Typically when we're on the road I keep things like this, or I take my wide shots with the little point and shoot, so I'm not switching lenses incessantly.


  1. I love both of these but can certainly see the difference in colour. The far shot is great because the little church looks so isolated in the middle of all that big country. And then, in the second shot, you can see how well tended the grounds are which places it in a more intimate setting. Brilliant!

  2. I like both shots. I usually leave one lens on when out driving but I do bring them all with me...You just never know what you'll find.

  3. Very nice. I usually travel with 2 camera's and 3 different lens but then only use my zoom. The color is different but I like both shots.

  4. I love this little church...but I love old country roads. I might have to take a drive this weekend!

  5. Hey, at least you got him to pull over. I'm usually snapping out the window going 50. I actually adore both for different reasons.

  6. I love both views...I tend to be a zoom person.

  7. I see what you're saying about the color in the first one. Maybe you could just crop?

  8. I love both, but that second one is postcard perfect!

  9. I am so glad you stopped to take those photos - beautiful shots!

  10. What a beautiful setting. Reminds me of a little country church where I went to bible school with my cousins when I was a kid. Pretty and peaceful!

  11. Gorgeous that first expansive scene, it almost makes that gorgeous church look insignificant in it's setting!

  12. I keep telling Hubs that I need another camera so I can have two cameras ready with different lenses, because I'm paranoid about dust on my sensor and pretty much refuse to change my lens. Haven't convinced Hubs yet :-(
