Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Free salt and pepper shaker


A few years ago we found these cute little salt and pepper shakers at a garage sale. They made us giggle. I could tell you what we think they are supposed to be, but maybe I would prefer to hear your ideas.


They have sat in their box since we bought them, being moved around and laughed at each time they turn up. But I’ve had my time of joy and would now like to pass them on.


So, after you have made your guess as to what they are, just let me know if you’d like them and I’ll do a random generator on Friday, November 28th and announce the winner. Be sure and let me know if you’d like any of the books I’m giving away too.


Adorable faces!! November giveaways just because. Click me 6 giveaways total.  Enter one or all!


  1. Okay, I'm dying to win the little salt and pepper shakers. Am I the only one who thinks they look like "swimmers" -- the baby-making kind? Surely not. I mean, that's why you giggled, no?

  2. By the way, I know this doesn't improve my odds with the random generator, but I need to win these for good luck! ;)

  3. Oh my! My dear sweet children were standing here when I hit this page and my 9 year old said, "Look, ghost salt and pepper shakers! They are ghosts, aren't they? Wink, wink!

  4. My first thought was exactly the same as Jessica's...but I'm guessing they were meant to be whales. :-)

  5. Those are SPERM whales, methinks. :) My husband would think that was HYSTERICAL -- even if they're not sperm whale, that's what I'd tell my husband. So count me in. :)

  6. Yep, they have to be sperm whales. I would love to be intered in the drawing.

  7. Hilarious! I think these are great SPERM Whales!

  8. These are even better than the books! :-)

  9. Hahah ... I love looking at these and suspect I know precisely what you saw ... but they COULD be tadpoles too ya know. Was there a set of FROG salt & pepper shakers too? LOL
    Hugs and blessings,

  10. for the pre frog phase, I'm sure ha ha ha
    tadpoles. but they sure could pass for sperm.

  11. I was thinking of the little swimmers in the sperm too.....kekekkekekkeke

  12. I really want these little sperm.. I will bring them everytime I serve boiled eggs...get it.
    fingers crossed.

  13. Then again, they *could* be melting marshmallows trying to get away from the BBQ stick!
