Friday, June 29, 2012
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Wisconsin potatoes

Did you know that Wisconsin produces a lot of potatoes? I didn't either before I lived here. I'm sure doing my part to eat them, lol. I love potatoes!!! And, I already knew they are good for me if I don't fry them or load them up with butter an such. A simple baked potato minus any extras is the best!!
But, I thought it was funny that pictured behind the "skinny vegetable" facts were: hashbrowns, tater tots, fast food french fries, potato chips, creamy potato salad, and mashed potatoes - - not "skinny" ways to prepare them.

It makes me think of that high fructose corn syrup commercial stating that it's no worse for you than sugar, your body thinks sugar is sugar, but, neglecting to say that they are both bad for you.
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Orange fingers Macro Monday

My garden is giving us treats already. :) The carrots are growing in a 5 gallon bucket and they needed thinned out a bit so. . .

Aren't they just the cutest little fellows?! They were the best tasting carrots I've ever had!

Macro Monday is easy to play, snap a macro (or any close-up) photo, post it on your blog and come back here and sign MckLinky. :) MM started on Sept 29, 2008 - THANX to all of you for helping make it such a fun start to the week!

We've also been enjoying some potatoes I grew in 5 gallon buckets.

Soon there will be more delights to gobble up, lol.
Wascaly waccoon

I'm not sure how well you can see this, but this raccoon(?) is driving me crazy! He has stolen 2 suets, feeders and all. Another one he managed to steal the suet and left the feeder at the edge of the cornfield. And two of them the suet is gone and the feeder is up out of my reach! He's making me crazy.
Friday, June 22, 2012
Kitchen island

Dennis made us this awesome island for our kitchen.
Since moving into this old farmhouse we have been using a lot of steps in the kitchen. You can see the stove over there, and the sink back there (pardon the mess I was in the middle of cooking dinner) and you can barely see the handle of the fridge, bottom left - the tiles are 12" square and there's no counter next to the refrigerator - nooooo, it sits between two doorways - so that means to pour a drink you have to walk over by the stove. Very inconvenient to have nowhere to sit things near the fridge.
Sunday, June 17, 2012
Dragonfly Macro Monday

You never know where you'll meet a new friend, I met this dragonfly on the concrete by our car when we came out of the movie theater. (Snapped with the iPhone)
Macro Monday is easy to play, snap a macro (or any close-up) photo, post it on your blog and come back here and sign MckLinky. :) MM started on Sept 29, 2008 - THANX to all of you for helping make it such a fun start to the week!
Thursday, June 14, 2012
What a find!

What is Dennis going to do with these?

Well, he's stacked them up creatively, hasn't he. . .

I asked for a bookshelf for this little nitch and when he saw the crates at a garage sale an idea was born. This is at the top of the stairs, that little funky landing area.

It's really hard for me to get a good photo of the area but hopefully you can see how cool it is turning out. Some books where they will live.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Our newest grandchild

June 1st brought us our 5th grandchild, another grandson - Ruben Valentino. Isn't he a doll?!

So much hair! Can't wait to meet him in person, until then happy to get to see him in photos at least.

So sweet! My stepdaughter and grandson - looks like she better catch those zzzz's quickly, I think the little fellow is waking up.
Sunday, June 10, 2012
Swallowtail Macro Monday
While doing some yard work I met a new friend. :0)
It was a much luckier swallowtail than the one I saw in Missouri a few months ago.
My granddaughter thinks they're fun to step on. :(
Macro Monday is easy to play, snap a macro (or any close-up) photo, post it on your blog and come back here and sign MckLinky. :) MM started on Sept 29, 2008 - THANX to all of you for helping make it such a fun start to the week!
Friday, June 8, 2012
Tweedle, Deedle, Dee

The birds are quickly figuring out that there are feeders here now, they sing to me morning and night.
I survived my first night alone, wasn't nearly as scary as I feared it would be. :0)
Thursday, June 7, 2012
the basement

To be real honest basements kinda creep me out. Basements that are finished and look like the rest of the house are fine, but unfinished, damp, spiderwebby ones - creepy! Let's start with that the door to this one is in what is supposed to be the master bedroom, although we're using it as an office. There's no lock on it - whammy number 2. There are no risers on the stairs, so it's open and if someone were below they could grab your ankle as you descended.

Just dusty and damp, really nothing wrong. This is my first night alone in the new place and I thought I should go down and make nice with the basement before it gets dark.

Behind the door is just the pressure tank for the well and some paint, nothing there.

Past the door and the water heater and furnace is just some shelves, and another door, no biggie, right?

Behind that old door are stairs leading up to the metal doors leading to outside. This one locks to keep people out, good thing.
Nothing scary down there after all. Tell me that at midnight, lol. Wish the electrical box wasn't down there, afraid if I lose power it will just stay off until morning - I have flashlights. :)
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
A day of rest

Today I am taking a rest from the unpacking and cleaning, resting my sore muscles and playing with a few photos. There really isn't much left to do, thankfully. Soon the camera and I will be able to go exploring. :0)

Squirrels drove me nuts at our old place! Breaking feeders and stealing seeds.

Sure are cute lil boogers though aren't they? ;0)

Sunday, June 3, 2012
Chocolate Macro Monday

I have been very busy this weekend, planting like crazy, weeding, unpacking, etc. Chocolate has sure made it all go a little better. :)
Macro Monday is easy to play, snap a macro (or any close-up) photo, post it on your blog and come back here and sign MckLinky. :) MM started on Sept 29, 2008 - THANX to all of you for helping make it such a fun start to the week!