our house on the left
If you want a stress test, have the county come and mess up your road for a few months - completely tear it out and rebuild it someday. As if being woken by the beep beep beep of backing up equipment every single morning around 6:15sam wasn't enough, you get to enjoy wondering if you will be able to leave your driveway today, then if you'll make it back in once you return home - every single day. Most days you'll have huge worker trucks blocking your access to your own driveway. You get dirty looks from them each time you need to get through to YOUR house.
You have the thuds of them trying to break up rocks, you have workers walking right outside your open windows trying to survey things - possibly getting a peek of your jammies. You have guys taking their breaks in your yard - loudly and yelling to each other throughout the day without concern of you. AND to top the cake, that thing that flattens the road - if you weren't aware - it vibrates - and it vibrates everything inside your house and inside your body for hours at a time (think earthquake-like, and just ask my kids, I am not good with repetitive noises) - it really wears on the nerves. And they do this every single day for months and months for 12 hours each day. :(
Oh, AND, rain, sleet, hail, snow may not keep the postman away but road construction does. Each day you never know if the mailman will come past the barricades to deliver your mail. While he may not come for a week at a time, every other Tom, Dick and Harry WILL drive past those barricades - guaranteed.
This sounds awful! And it looks like they're making a MAJOR road there too! I think you might be very happy to move soon.