A friend of ours made these wristlets for me last winter and I love them! As a child my mom had a knitter friend and I always admired her creations. For years, I have admired the sock patterns that abound in this frozen tundra I live in, and have wanted to learn to knit them. Amanda, the maker of these colorful hand warmers, and that desire to make socks, inspired me to try my hand at knitting.

This is where I'm at so far. I made this simple pair. I'll just keep clicking my needles and working my way down to the smaller yarns until I get there.
Btw, how do you take a photo of both your hands with your iPhone? I sat the phone on a box, placed a stapler on the edge to keep it from falling off, then stood on a chair and poked the screen with my nose to make the camer click, lol.