Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Just wondering

I'm working on getting more of my vacation photos ready, as well as a little story that happened over the weekend and trying to pop over to all of you today.  But I woke up thinking about the word materialize and I'm wondering why we have a word for something that cannot be done.  Did it come from Star Trek?  Or maybe magicians?  Have you ever seen anything materialize?


  1. I have seen many things 'materialize', but invariably, the word was used in reference to an idea or concept that required hard work to become fact - to materialize.

  2. As in make thread into material?

  3. Oh thank you SO much. Between you and Gropius, my mind is now wholly occupied by questions that I can't answer. I'm never going to get any work done! LOL!

  4. A rainbow 'materializes' if the conditions are right. A fire 'materializes' if the proper elements and procedures are used and the goal is to create a fire.

    A person painting a recognizeable picture either from their mind or subject-matter, makes an image materialize.

    When you take a picture, the technology allows you to capture what you see and then reproduce it, so it 'materializes' and is viewed by those who weren't at the same place and time, but they can enjoy it almost as much as having been there.

    You take beautiful pictures; you make things 'materialize' each time you take a photograph and HOW you choose to focus and shoot that object, is what 'materializes' in your head first, then it's caught on the film or memory-chip so you can share all of it.

    When you compose a post, you use words to express a thought, and that thought now materializes for the rest of us.


  5. I enjoyed the other responses, but my only thought was, "Well, yes, I've seen Captain Picard materialize on all kinds of planets!"

  6. Only in the abstract. But I suppose that's sort of contradictory isn't it? "Material" implies something physical.

    Interesting thought.
