I spent just a little time in the yard yesterday and in addition to seeing my everyday juncos, finches, nuthatches, and downy woodpeckers, I found for you a Robin.
A pair of Cardinals.
A Hairy Woodpecker. He’s been hanging around for a while and I was surprised how much bigger he is than the Downy’s.
For the first time ever, I saw a Brown Creeper, right in my front yard! I don’t care if the picture is fuzzy, it still proves I saw him. I guess the point I’m trying to make by showing you these photos is that when I see a bird for the first time I try to get a photo, any photo and then try to get a beautiful photo when I can. I usually start by snapping at a safe distance and then slowly walk towards the bird. Snapping as I step. Unfortunately, this was the only shot I was able to get of this guy and I hope he comes back.
Fibi alerted me to this fellow. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a Brown-headed Cowbird before yesterday either. He didn’t seem to mind Fibi scratching at the screen and I shot through the screen. When I opened it, he flew away.
One more first. . .
A Pied-billed Grebe, found while walking along the river a few days ago. Then as I went back to the car I caught a little acrobat.
My husband tells me that “Professional bird photographers set their tripod up and probably wait hours to get the shot.” I have no patience and I have heard some of you saying that you don’t either. My bluebirds, from a few days ago, I drove into a cemetery, spotted one, and snapped from my car, I got lucky, but if I hadn’t we would have missed them, because I can’t sit still.
This was my first bluebird shot, taken through the front window. Aren’t you glad I didn’t stop with the first shot?
So, my point in all of this, is grab your camera and go snap those birds. Practice makes perfect. Some of the best places I’ve found, to find birds easily, are cemeteries. Often you can you can use your car as a blind. Give it a shot, and maybe in a couple of days I’ll have some more tips for you. I will be going to the “Photographing Birds” by Jim Miller, Wednesday evening.
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