Our Fun Monday hostess, Sauntering Soul, would like to know our dirty little secrets. How do we react to things, or people, who upset us. How are we jerks?
Well, I’m pretty passive aggressive. For the most part, things don’t get to me, but we are talking about when they do. I had to dig a little to come up with some things but here’s what I’ve got.
Waitresses bad service - I have been known to, on occasion, give my waitress tips on how to get better tips via a note on the check and a low tip. I only result to this if we have had the same crappy waitress several times so I know it’s not just a bad day. We tip very well and when I order a soda I probably want a refill or I would not pay the high cost of it in the first place.
Noisy people above us in a motel - My brain cannot handle repetitive noises, they drive me batty. And when on occasion we have had noisy people above us stomping, jumping on the bed and acting like they just purchased the entire motel, I have been known to thump back, even if I had to jump on my bed with a shoe on my hand in order to do so.
Which makes me think of those people in the movie theaters, the ones who think their ticket has bought them every seat around them and they kick my seat or put their feet on my seat, etc. I will begin to lean back as far as my seat will go, or sit up really tall so my head is in their way, or sometimes I just move to an area away from them.
Tailgaters - people who ride my butt, practically pushing me down the road. Yeah, I slow down to a safe speed about 5 mph under the speed limit and sometimes if I see their blinker turn on I will turn too.
Salespeople ringing our doorbell - I don’t answer. My kids always call before they come over so if I hear the doorbell ring and don’t know who it is, I don’t answer.
People who tell me I have to do something when I think it is my choice - I just don’t do it. For example, when the seatbelt law was passed, I stopped wearing my seatbelt because it ticked me off that I was told to. I do wear it now, but I rebelled for a while. Pretty much if I’m not given a choice, but am told, “You have to do this. . .”, I want to not do whatever it is.
I think I have spilled my guts enough, thank you very much. I hope to find that I am surrounded by people who can also be jerks from time to time. Leave me a comment, how are you a jerk?
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